GHTorrent started as an effort to bring the rich data offered by the Github API to the hands of the Mining Software Repositories community. Recently, I have been working to make GHTorrent more accessible to all Github users. As of version 0.7.2, GHTorrent can run in standalone mode, using SQLite as its main database, thus doing away with the complicated setup required to mirror in a distributed fashion.

In this blog post, I describe how to setup GHTorrent in order to retrieve all metadata for a relatively small, but non-trivial, repository: Netflix’s RxJava (incidentally, this is also one of my favourite projects). Using the data from this project, I also created a couple of plots to give you an idea of what can be achieved with the data that GHTorrent gathers.

Setup and running

GHTorrent is distributed as a Ruby gem, and runs on Ruby 1.9.3. If you have an older version of Ruby, use RVM to install 1.9.3 (rvm install 1.9.3) and make it default (rvm use 1.9.3). Installing GHTorrent is then trivial:

gem install sqlite3 ghtorrent

Normally, GHTorrent is run in parallel on many machines, so it is convenient that its configuration is file based. For our standalone setup, this might be an annoyance, but we need to create a config.yaml file for GHTorrent to run:

  url: sqlite://github.db

  persister: noop
  cache_mode: all
  username: github_username
  passwd: github_passwd

Make sure you change username and password to your Github credentials. The configuration file instructs GHTorrent to create an SQLite database in the local directory, using no persister (this is to avoid installing MongoDB) and full caching, thus making each request only once. We can control more parameters of how GHTorrent works using more configuration options but the above should be enough to get us started.

Then, we need to run the following command:

ght-retrieve-repo -c config.yaml Netflix RxJava

We see GHTorrent going though commits, pull requests, issues, watchers and other Github API entities. Lots of debug statements will be printed on the screen. You will see lots of duplicate work being done as well; this is the price to pay for not installing MongoDB as an intelligent caching layer. Nevertheless, half an hour later or so, we have in our directory an SQLite database with lots of interesting data representing the project’s life time.

Project process monitoring

The database schema is relatively complicated, but the data it stores is very rich in return. Using this database, we can formulate complex queries that will return interesting insights of our project’s development process, including some that were not possible without Github’s data. Below, I present a couple of such queries, plotted using R and ggplot2. You can find the R script here.

  • Pull request statistics per month

    (1) Pull request statistics per month (opened, closed)

  • Source of commits

    (2) Issue statistics per month (opened,closed)

  • Source of commits

    (3) Source of commits (query). The more commits come from pull requests, the more open the project process.

  • Fork statistics

    (4) Forks created(query1) vs forks actually contributing commits back to the main repo (query2). Ideally, all forks should contribute back.

  • Fork statistics

    (5) Percentage of issue comments and commenters coming from the project community (i.e. users with no commit rights to the main repo)(query)

That’s it! Using a simple process, we can retrieve a very rich dataset to create project specific reports from. What’s more is that the database can be updated (make sure that cache: prod in config.yaml), and the report generation process can be automated. More than one projects can share the same database, so organizations can have a centralized way of retrieving process information about their projects. Researchers interested in doing work with Github’s data can use this process to try out ideas on smaller projects before moving forward to the real dataset.

Do you have any ideas for more useful reports? Leave a comment and I ‘ll promise to implement them!


11 May 2013
